9th Session, 1 May 2021, 8.4 Miles, 5.8 mph average
Because I’d enjoyed it so much last weekend, I wanted to be on the water before family breakfast again. This time, I went a little earlier in order to have enough time for a slightly longer session. So worth it! If you’ve ever been out on the river after a cold night, you know how the early mornign fog dances in tufts on the water. The river was mirror-flat, too, enhancing the otherworldly effect. The air was much colder than I had anticipated, so much so that the water felt warm when I dipped my hands in. I wanted to see how I would go if I didn’t look at my watch at all - a little slower, it turns out. I massively enjoyed this paddle though, just knowing I would go all the way up to the green buoy - that’s where the Nied joins the Saar. Usually, there are lots of people fishing there, but none this morning, so I used the upportunity and paddled up the Nied (about 500m) to the first rapid. I got freezing cold on the way back - with a bit of a headwind picking up, this felt like a proper winter paddle again all of a sudden. I’m now more than half-way through the challenge.
10th Session, 2 May 2021, 6.6 Miles, 5.6 mph average
Went downstream into the wind, but gave up on trying to keep up my speed against it. Quite a warm morning, completely different from the day before. I went to check on the storks - the storkling has grown a lot, and there were two mandarin duck families with ducklings, too! Most excitingly, though, and definitely my favourite moment: I saw a beaver! Heard a big splash, looked around and there it was, swimming from the bank towards the middle of the river to avoid me, then disappearing underwater. I see a lot of nutria on my paddles, but this was the first time I ‘met’ a beaver. Awesome!