Latest news
Was Invited by Weltlesebühne Heidelberg and freundeskreis Literatur Heidelberg To do two reading events on one of my latest translations, ‘A Thousand Ships — die heldinnen von troja’ (English: ‘A Thousand Ships’, by Natalie Haynes).
‘A Thousand Ships — Die Heldinnen Von Troja’, And ‘Die Kinder der Jokaste’, my translations of Natalie Haynes’ ‘A Thousand Ships’ And ‘the chldren of iokasta’ is out with dtv . I’m currently translating more of natalie’s work, forthcoming in german!
I’m also very excited to translate ‘middletide’ by sarah crouch (dtv)
I translate books (mostly fiction) from English and Norwegian into German and have been running this as my own business since 2015. I have translated more than 20 novels for Fischer , dtv and Rohwohlt and a non-fiction book for Tologo. I am happy to answer questions, quote a project and discuss expectations.
Current projects
I’m excited to announce that I’m working with Joe Dunthorne on his latest project, a nonfiction book about radioactive toothpaste (and other things) that is (probably) called ‘Daughter of Radium’. You can read some of it here. There is a wealth of original material at the Jewish Museum in Berlin which I’m helping to read, summarising or translating relevant parts. It has been an absolute privilege to briefly step inside the lives of those people, and to play a small part in sharing their voices with the world.
“Habe die Übersetzung schon mal überflogen, sie gefällt mir wie die letzte sehr gut / I've already skimmed the translation, I like it very much like the last one.”
- Lexa Rost; Lektorin Belletristik & Sachbuch / Commissioning Editor Fiction & Nonfiction FISCHER Krüger / FISCHER Scherz / FISCHER FJB / FISCHER Taschenbuch S. Fischer Verlage
“Lena Kraus ist eine sehr junge, tolle (frische) Übersetzerin / Lena Kraus is a very young, great (fresh) translator.”
- Carla Grosch; Lektorin / Editor FISCHER Krüger / FISCHER Scherz / FISCHER Taschenbuch S. Fischer Verlage
“Ich habe mir nun endlich die von dir geschickten ersten 53 Seiten angesehen - und bin total begeistert! Du hast das so jung und fließend übersetzt, dass ich richtig Lust auf mehr bekommen habe / I've finally looked at the first 53 pages you sent - and I'm absolutely thrilled! You translated it so youthful and fluently that I really wanted more.”
- Martina Vogl; Lektorin/Editor