Paddling in cool places wouldn't be half as fun without awesome people. : )
So fun to do a descent race (classic section in my (very leaky) K1 : D
Early morning training <3
The bestest dog did not like me paddling away...
But I got kisses when I came back.
I'm loving the downwindable Scottish Winter Series races -- One more to look forward to! This third one was tough, completely flat conditions. Came in second (overall) after Lizzie. A great day with some lovely people on the water and at the beach. Surfskis, sea kayaks, sit on tops, paddleboards, and prone paddleboard made for a lovely mixed start line. Join us next time!
So sad this series only ran for one year : (
Back in Scotland just before midnight and on the water at first light. I love it here!
Race 4 of the Scottish Winter Series done - it was just as fun as the first three.
Feeling very lucky to have those events so close to home, huge thanks to @lizellekemp1 at @downwindable for making them happen! You managed to create the best possible atmosphere for a race; everybody was racing hard and giving it their best, while also supporting each other on and off the water and doing some very serious race analysis over delicious soup... Definitely boosted my confidence. Can't wait for the next (although it's OK if there's a bit of summer in between).
Thanks @alanshunter @carbonologysportuk for some last-minute boat adjustment and great coffee, and @lesleywinter01 for the best cheesy flapjack.
Very happy to win this race and the series (overall). Congrats to Paul for coming second overall and winning the men's category.