Spot my boat : )
I feel incredibly lucky most times I get on the water, but last Sunday, something extra special happened! We were going to do a training session from a nearby beach, and I decided to get on early and paddle there rather than drive. I was cruzing along, getting a bit of a warmup and enjoying paddling to a destination, when three dolphins popped up in front of me. They were swimming pretty fast in the opposite direction and very quickly ended up right next to me, so close I could see the markings on their fins! I was in awe.
These three were the first in a pod, and several more groups went past me after that, all almost as close. I had stopped and forgotten all about training until I couldn't see them anymore.
I didn't have a camera and regretted this about as much as I was glad to fully be there and not worry about how to 'capture' it. So many things can't be captured anyway.