Which also means: End of the Waterside Series, 87 Miles, 110 portages.
Photos: Fred Taylor
The reason why I'm grinning like mad in the pictures is that I was ridiculously relieved to be able to race. I had hurt myself in training just after C and wasn't at all sure how it would go. But, thanks to everybody at the club being incredibly supportive, Megan helping me mix recovery potions and Eva aking me buy some "magical strapping tape" (Greenaway, 2017), it all went fine, so instead of thinking about how hard the race was, I was just delighted to be on the water (for almost the whole way : P)
Thanks for the photos, Fred.
This time I actually had to fight off support crews at Crofton to prevent passing out from too much sugar, thanks so much for feeding me and cheering me on, Catie, Dave, Lucie, Jo, Jo, Jo, Mike, Frankie, Charlotte, Harry, Susan, Ryan and Kevin and to Chloe for being a great roomie who actually joins me drinking lemon and ginger tea! I'll miss you at DW.
Thanks to Brian for keeping me calm, driving to all four races, supporting, and being generally awesome.
Congratulations #TeamFowey!