With my favourite DW-Parter Cedric and my dream-support-team Andi and Andy I've completed the Devizes to Westminster Canoe race for the second time, beating my time from 2012 by more than 90 minutes (That's 125 miles and 77 portages in 20 hours and 15 minutes) and placing second in the Senior Ladies, but being the first woman through the finish on Easter Monday.
All the cheers made me alternate between sobbing and grinning in quick succession : D
I only found out on Monday night that I have also won a team trophy I didn't even know I had been entered for together with Matt, Tom, Ryan and Dan.
I couldn't have done this without the support of my Dad who came over all the way from Germany to be my main support crew. He is currently still in the car driving back, and did amazingly well (you wouldn't have known it was his first ever time to support a marathon race, and at DW, supporting is probably harder than paddling!), and the rest of the gang excelling at remote support ; ) I am very lucky to have such an amazing family.
I was also very lucky that Andy couldn't get a lift with anybody to support the straight through crews and was therefore by my side on a bike whenever there was a tow path to cycle on, doing more miles than I have done, with the emergency-gels at the ready, introducing Andi to some of the secrets of marathon paddling, sorting out the media coverage and helping with my boat, especially after day 3! Thank you very much, you are a very good chief potioneer.
I wouldn't have stood a chance without training with the amazing Fowey River Canoe Club with Brian as our coach. Thank you for being patient with the Slalom-paddler, convincing me to use a Garmin and charging it for me every night, giving me a lift to the race and taking care of Cedric afterwards.
Thanks to Dave and Sue for distracting me from any pre-race nerves with the classic Doyle Easter egg meditation and vegetable curry!
I have apparently won two further titles, having collected sufficient justification to call myself a marathon-paddler according to Andy (although he still might have to check with Brian first), and "sportiest person in the family", awarded by my dad.
This race is as fun and special as it is only because of the people who make it, the organizers, all the volunteers, the paddlers and support crews. Being cheered on, fed and sometimes even clothed by people you have never even seen before is something that wouldn't happen at many events. Congratulations to all paddlers, coaches and support crews!
THANK YOU, it's been amazing.
I have no idea who took the photos - do get in touch if you know, I’d love to give credit.
Proud to have my name engraved on that thing! Congrats again, everybody!