Took a night train from Slowenia from the Gene17 Next Generation Training Course to this weekend Swiftwater Rescue Course Jan was offering. I only had to throw a pillow at a snoring passenger once (in fact, I actually only lightly dropped it on him, he kept sleeping but stopped snoring - win). Steffen picked me up from the train station in Augsburtg and we had breakfast in his mobile home, then learned and practised various rescue skills over the weekend. There was a race going on on the Eiskanal, so we practiced near Jan and Cordula’s flat on the Lech river. I stayed with Julia and Arnold, who kindly put up with lots of paddling kit in their living room.
Learn your rescue stuff, folks, you’ll feel so much better.
Stayed a day longer to brave my ex home-course in an OC1. It was awesome.
This is what I wrote on facebook: ‘Jan Krause ran an amazing Swiftwater Rescue course over the weekend, now he's saving the lost : P
(sorry, there wasn't enough light for better pictures...)’