I'm going to Worlds in Australia with the GB ocean racing team.
Feels like a good time to share this after my supervisor looked at my manuscript (slightly concerned) and said 'Well, at least you won't have much going on between now and February. ... Right?!'
So there we go.
Flights are booked, entry is done. I've been training hard.
I'm excited and nervous and scared and super happy.
When I share this with people, Ioften get asked if there is a way to support me. There is.
There is a fundraiser at sponsor.me/LenaKraus. I have no expectations attached to sharing this - competing is a huge privilege. But it is a way you can be part of my journey if you choose.
Any help with this and also any encouragement on my socials is so appreciated! I'm very grateful to my friends who have been sharing the excitement with me and are cheering me on whenever things get tough.
Dane Penland took this photo of me during a resistance session.
I think that's it. On to the next training block!