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Was Invited by Weltlesebühne Heidelberg and freundeskreis Literatur Heidelberg To do two reading events on one of my latest translations, ‘A Thousand Ships — die heldinnen von troja’ (English: ‘A Thousand Ships’, by Natalie Haynes).

I moderated the launch for hillfire anthology volume 1. It was very moving, just fantastic to hear all the author readings.

RIptide journal did a podcast episode with me after my short story cramond Island was published in Volume 14.

I Made a podcasT about showing up (for each other) in sport. Thanks to Marianne Davies and UK Coaching for the opportunity. Quite chuffed with how it turned out, thank you for All the lovely feedback! Listen Here (For free).

Speaking 1

For something a bit different, watch me moderate a book launch:

‘You did an unbelievably good job! The whole team were utter stars!’ Dr. Jane McKie, University of Edinburgh

‘Still impressed: Lena and Lauren did an AMAZING job under crazy circumstances.’ A. B. Penland

I’m proud of this podcast I got to make with Marianne Davies for UK Coaching. Grateful for the opportunity to address a lot of topics which are very important to me, all around showing up for each other in sports. Listen in!

‘It’s not an easy (topic) to unpack, but Lena is brilliant; honest, authentic, principled and passionate.’ Marianne Davies, UK Coaching

‘Lena’s point (about) language was very powerful, as she speaks several languages, it was both powerful and strong’ Simon Westgarth, Gene17 kayaking

‘The most eloquent podcast I’ve listened to. You hit the nail on the head throughout.’ Lizelle Kemp, Downwindable

‘It’ll make me think more thoroughly and I hope speak out against such behaviour when needed.’ Alan Hunter, Carbonology Sports UK

I have spoken about Democratic Education, equality and inclusivity on multiple occasions. You can find articles about the paper I presented at the conference ‘Narratives of Achievement in African and Afroeuropean Contexts’ here and here, and my latest speaking project, a small keynote for the Sri Lankan Democratic Education conference here. Democratic Education and Democratic Education contexts are for everybody. My views on Democratic Education respect science and are rooted in the need for social solidarity — I firmly distance myself from any connections of alternative education settings with far-right, anti-science groups.

Thanks, Lena! I found what you said really interesting. The question of inclusion is one of the most frequent questions I get when I talk about democratic education, and I'll now be more conscious about the concepts of achievement I put forward in my answers. Florie

Or check out this reading and panel discussion I took part in with Brunel University and the Hillingdon Literary Festival in December 2020.