I write realistic fiction, exploring how stories can tell the truth without being the truth.
My first poem dates back to pre-primary school, but I didn’t know I wanted to write for an audience until I visited the Ibsen Museum in Oslo and then visited Edinburgh for the first time. Edinburgh is also where I have just finished my master’s degree in Creative Writing, and will continue with the corresponding PhD from January 2021 with a project focussing on chronology.
I am the Editor-in-Chief of my Master’s cohort’s anthology, From Arthur’s Seat Volume 5. This is also where my first story, ‘Sherwood’ is published. The book is available at Typewronger’s in Edinburgh or online through the FAS website! You can watch an interview about this here.
One of my poems is published in ‘Together’, a collection of prose and poetry. Check out the ‘authors’ tab, I’m proud to be published with all those amazing folks! ‘Together’ is available as an e-book for now, but will hopefully be available in print soon.
You can read a piece of autobiographical writing here.
I’m actively working on lengthening this list and seeking publication for a series of poems about birds, various short stories about mushrooms, beetroot juice and life in general, and my Master’s dissertation, a novella called ‘Roots’ which is about friendship, family, mycology and coming to terms with the past.
I share excerpts from my writing and insights into my writing process here!
I have spoken about Democratic Education, equality and inclusivity on multiple occasions. You can find articles about the paper I presentet at the conference ‘Narratives of Achievement in African and Afroeuropean Contexts’ here and here, and my latest speaking project, a small keynote for the Sri Lankan Democratic Education conference here.
Testimonial: Thanks Lena! I found what you said really interesting. The question of inclusion is one of the most frequent questions I get when I talk about democratic education, and I'll now be more conscious about the the concepts of achievement I put forward in my answers. - Florie
I translate books (mostly fiction) from English and Norwegian into German and have been running this as my own business since 2015. I have translated more than 15 novels for Fischer and Rohwohlt and a non-fiction book for Tologo. I am happy to answer questions, quote a project and discuss expectations.
’Habe die Übersetzung schon mal überflogen, sie gefällt mir wie die letzte sehr gut.’ Lexa Rost
Lektorin Belletristik & Sachbuch / Commissioning Editor Fiction & Nonfiction
S. Fischer Verlage
‘Lena Kraus ist eine sehr junge, tolle (frische) Übersetzerin’
Carla Grosch
Lektorin / Editor
FISCHER Krüger / FISCHER Scherz / FISCHER Taschenbuch
S. Fischer Verlage
‘Ich habe mir nun endlich die von dir geschickten ersten 53 Seiten angesehen - und bin total begeistert!
Du hast das so jung und fließend übersetzt, dass ich richtig Lust auf mehr bekommen habe.’
Martina Vogl